With a mix of gratitude and sadness, we write to share the news that CitySquare has completed the transition of our vital programming to partner organizations. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our CEO, Annam Manthiram, and the entire CitySquare Leadership team, for ensuring a seamless transitioning of our programming, and thus ensuring that our services continue, and our neighbors are not impacted.
This decision did not come easily and was reached after careful consideration of our organization’s financial sustainability, ongoing challenges, and our commitment to ensuring a responsible conclusion to our mission.
For 36 years, CitySquare has been privileged to serve our neighbors in their greatest time of need. Thanks to supporters and partners like you, we have made an enormous impact in the fight against poverty. Just over this past year alone, your steadfast support helped us to provide:
~3 million pounds of groceries, including over 400,000 after-school and summer meals for children
Housing for 600+ neighbors
Health insurance enrollment by our Health Navigators for ~300 neighbors
~300 AmeriCorps members enrolled in a term of service
However, despite these successes, changes in our funding streams made it increasingly difficult to continue delivering on our mission effectively. We want to assure you that we took the time to wind down operations thoughtfully, notably to transition our programming to like-minded organizations to preserve the work we’ve started.
To our donors, partners, and community: We extend our deepest gratitude. Your belief in our work has been the driving force behind every success we’ve celebrated. The legacy of your support will continue to resonate in the lives and communities we’ve touched.
To Larry James: Thank you for steadfast, inspirational, and courageous leadership, putting your faith into action, and transforming Central Dallas Ministries into the leading poverty fighting organization in Dallas. You have helped thousands and thousands of our neighbors with meals, housing and rental assistance, health care, employment training, legal services…and your impact continues on as we “pass the baton” to our partner organizations.
Though this chapter is coming to a close, we are excited that the mission and values that guided CitySquare will live on. We encourage you to continue supporting organizations doing vital work in our shared area of passion. See below for a list of the partner organizations who have taken on our programming.
Thank you for being part of this journey. It has been an honor to serve alongside you in creating positive change.
With heartfelt appreciation and best wishes,
The CitySquare Board of Directors
CitySquare Program Partner Organization Website/Contact Information
Child Nutrition Education PV www.educationpv.org
FreshQue Foundation www.freshque.org
Josh Howard Foundation www.joshhowardfoundation.com
Destination Home, Housing Forward www.housingforwardntx.org
Permanent Supportive Housing AIDS Services of Dallas (ASD) www.aidsdallas.org
Metrocare www.metrocareservices.org
Americorps Equal Heart www.equalheart.org
Food Pantry
Neighbor Resource Center The Stewpot www.thestewpot.org
The Opportunity Center Campus
The Cottages Case Management Catholic Charities www.ccdallas.org
The Cottages at Hickory Crossing Central Dallas Community www.centraldallascdc.org
Development Corporation (CDCDC)
Homeless Outreach Team North Texas Behavioral www.ntbha.org
A Way Home Housing Program Salvation Army www.salvationarmyntx.org
The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center www.bridgehrc.org
Transitional Resource Action (TRAC) Transitioned to its own 501(c)3 www.traconline.org
CitySquare Paris Transitioned to its own 501(c)3 www.citysquareparis.org
For any inquiries, including Human Resources related, please email: inquiries@citysquare.org